Welcome to The Orchard

The Orchard is a residential, covenant-controlled community in unincorporated Jefferson County near Golden, Colorado at the intersection of W. 44th Avenue and Fig Street. 

On this website you will find links to the covenants, by-laws, architectural standards, past meeting minutes, and anything else deemed of interest to the community.

The Current Board

Feel free to contact the Board officers by using the emails or phone number below (text message is preferred).

Joby Schaffer President president@orchardhoa.org 720-323-7748
Rob Johnson Vice President vicepresident@orchardhoa.org  
Tim Raub Treasurer treasurer@orchardhoa.org


Nikki Rossetter Secretary    
Jeff Hart Board Member    

Interested in Joining the Board?

Ready to make a difference in our community? We're always looking for awesome individuals to join our HOA board and help shape the future of The Orchard. 

We're a fun group of neighbors working together to enhance and maintain our wonderful community. So why join the board? 


- Make lasting friendships.
- Influence community decisions.
- Put your skills to good use.
- Bring fun ideas to life!


If you're interested, send an email to Joby Schaffer at president@orchardhoa.org! 

Google Map

This site is always being updated! Please feel free to send suggestions to president@orchardhoa.com for website content or inaccuracies.